Chronic or Post….. Lyme Disease Awareness Photos

May 4, 2012   //   by nadine   //   LYME DISEASE AWARENESS PHOTO PROJECT  //  2 Comments

Day 4 : Lyme Disease Awareness Photos

MYTH : There is no such thing as Chronic Lyme | This statement is FALSE!


Once you have been infected with Lyme Disease; the disease will always remain in your blood. If caught in the early stages, the disease can go into remission with the proper amount of antibiotics. The longer the disease is in your blood, the harder it is to treat and force the disease to go into remission. Chronic Lyme usually comes to patients who are in the late stage of Lyme disease.


Get the Facts!!! Demand to be properly treated.


    • I have to drive 3 hours in each direction, out of state, in order to see a dooctr for my undiagnosed Lyme Disease and probable coinfection(s). By the time I see him, I will have had 5 weeks of antibiotics (doxy & flagyl) and then six weeks off of antibiotics. I’ve had 2 negative ELISA tests, despite the fact that the ELISA test isn’t recommended for late Lyme. I had acute arthritis in my ankles and acrodermatitis chronicum atrophicans on my hands/feet that all responded to antibiotics.

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