Not Just High Grass…Lyme Disease Awareness Photos

May 9, 2012   //   by nadine   //   LYME DISEASE AWARENESS PHOTO PROJECT  //  1 Comment

Day 8 : Lyme Disease Awareness Photos

MYTH : Humans can only get Ticks from high grass. | This statement is FALSE!


While people DO get ticks on them by brushing by high grass with a tick on it, it’s not the only way a person can end up with a tick on their skin. A tick could attach itself to your family pet like a dog or a cat, and your pet can bring the tick into the house. Another way is if you go horse back riding and if the horse picked up a tick, the tick could crawl onto humans while you are unaware riding your horse.

Ticks are at their highest numbers this spring. Take precautions, wear repellent and do tick checks, especially if you visit an area where ticks have been detected or live in a tick infested area.

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